越南中部肺炎住院儿童的特征:前瞻性研究JF欧洲呼吸杂志JO Eur Respir J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 1802256 DO 10.1183/13993003.022188bet官网地址56-2018 VO 54 IS 1 A1 Nguyen, Phuong T.K. A1 Tran, Hoang T. A1 Fitzgerald, Dominic a . A1 Tran, Thach S. A1 Graham, Stephen M. A1 Marais, Ben J. YR 2019 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/1/1802256.abstract AB肺炎是越南儿科住院最常见的原因。在越南使用世界卫生组织(世卫组织)病例管理方法的潜在价值尚未得到记录。我们对岘港妇幼医院所有因“肺炎”(由入院临床医生评估)入院的儿童(2-59个月)进行了前瞻性描述性研究,以描述其疾病概况并评估不良结果的危险因素。根据WHO肺炎标准对疾病进行分类,以呼吸急促或胸部内扩为定义的临床体征。不良结局定义为死亡、重症监护病房入院、三级护理转院或住院>天。在4206例入院病例中,1758例(41.8%)根据世卫组织标准被归类为“无肺炎”,只有252例(6.0%)符合修订后的“严重肺炎”标准。住院病人死亡率较低(占入院人数的0.4%),死亡人数最多(16人中的11人;68.8%)发生在“重症肺炎”组。18.7%的入院患者和60.7%的“严重肺炎”组记录了不良结果。 Children were hospitalised for a median of 7 days at an average cost of 253 USD per admission. Risk factors for adverse outcome included WHO-classified “severe pneumonia”, age <1 year, low birth weight, previous recent admission with an acute respiratory infection and recent tuberculosis exposure. Breastfeeding, day-care attendance and pre-admission antibiotic use were associated with reduced risk.Few hospital admissions met WHO criteria for “severe pneumonia”, suggesting potential unnecessary hospitalisation and use of intravenous antibiotics. Better characterisation of the underlying diagnosis requires careful consideration.Many child “pneumonia” admissions in central Vietnam do not meet WHO case management criteria for hospitalisation or intravenous antibiotics. Accurate aetiological diagnosis is challenging and astute clinical judgement should guide optimal management. http://ow.ly/vkHV30ojiOY