@Article {stolz1900407,作者= {stolz,daiana和papakonstantinou,eleni和schilter,daniel和strobel,werner和louis,regaud和schindler,renaud和schindler,chrisian和hirsch,hans h。和tamm,michael},标题= {上呼吸道病毒感染和COPD恶化},体积= {54},数= {4},elocation-ID = {1900407},一年中的时间 - 过程= {2019},DOI = {10.1183 / 13993003.00407-2019},出版商= {欧洲呼吸社会}188bet官网地址,摘要= {病毒呼吸道感染涉及慢性阻塞性肺病(AECOPD)急性加剧的主要危险因素。我们旨在纵向评估由病毒和AECOPD引起的上呼吸道感染(URTI)之间的关联。在450患者的股份和奥克康拭子中进行了18病毒的疾病(慢性阻塞性肺病阶段的全球拭子(全球慢性阻塞性肺病阶段)进行\ TextEndash} 4)被遵循27个月的卑鄙。在稳定的时期(n = 1909)期间,在URTI开始(n = 391),在URTI(n = 356)和AECOPD(n = 177)期间并使用多重核酸扩增试验进行测试。在URTI发作(52.7 \%),URTI(15.2 \%)和AECOPD(38.4 \%)后10天,与稳定期(5.3 \%,p<0.001)。在稳定的访问期间,鼻病毒占所有病毒感染的54.2%,其次是冠状病毒(20.5 \%)。在两个连续稳定的访问中均未确定病毒。URTI发作的病毒感染的患者在没有病毒感染的患者的情况下没有更高的发酵率(P = 0.993)。τHe在亚孔期间的任何病毒感染的发生率在URTI相关的ACOPD和非URTI相关的AECOPD(P = 0.359)之间相似。只有URTI相关的AECOPD的患者只有24%的患者在URTI发作和AECOPD期间具有相同的病毒。 Detection of parainfluenza 3 at URTI onset was associated with a higher risk of an AECOPD (p=0.003). Rhinovirus and coronavirus were the most frequently detected viruses during AECOPD visits, accounting for 35.7\% and 25.9\% of all viral infections, respectively.The prevalence of viral infection during the stable period of COPD was low. The risk of exacerbation following the onset of URTI symptoms depends on the particular virus associated with the event and was significant only for parainfluenza 3.The presence of viruses in patients with stable COPD is rare. URTI viruses were not per se associated with an increased risk of exacerbation. URTI is associated with worsening of quality of life and lung function independently of exacerbation. http://bit.ly/30jGm5N}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/4/1900407}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/4/1900407.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }