@Article {Crichton2000608,作者= {Crichton,Megan L.和Lonergan,Mike和Barker,Alan F.和Sibila,Oriol和Goeminne,Pieter和Shoemark和Shoemark,Amelia和Chalmers,James D.}支气管扩张患者的咳嗽和痰液产生:空气-BX研究的事后分析},体积= {56},number = {1},Elocation-id = {2000608},年= {2020},doi = {2020},doi ={10.1183/13993003.00608-2020},Publisher = {欧188bet官网地址洲呼吸社会},摘要= {简介吸入抗生素可以改善症状评分,但尚不清楚哪些特定症状可以改善治疗。问卷数据的项目级分析可能使我们能够确定哪些特定症状对治疗的反应最佳。用于AIR-BX1研究的事后分析以及两项吸入的aztreonam对安慰剂的试验。从生活质量支气管扩张(QOL-B)呼吸道症状量表中提取的单个项目被提取为九种不同症状的严重程度。广义线性模型用于评估从基线到第一次治疗周期结束的治疗与安慰剂的症状变化,并使用混合模型评估整个16周试验中的变化。抗臭味改善了咳嗽(差异0.22、95 \%ci 0.08 {\ textendash} 0.37; p = 0.002),痰液产生(0.30,95,95 \%ci 0.15 {\ textendendash} 0.44; p \ <0.0001)和痰液颜色(0.29,95,95 \%ci 0.15 {\ textEndendash}0.43; p \ <0.0001)与安慰剂相当于咳嗽的20 \%改善,痰液产量和颜色改善25 \%。在试验期间,观察到咳嗽,痰液产生和痰液纯度的相似结果(所有p \ <0.05)。痰液产生和痰颜色评分较高的患者对总体QOL-B的反应更大(差异为4.82,95 \%CI 1.12 {\ Textendash} 8.53; P = 0.011用于痰液生产和5.02,95 \%CI 1.19 {\%CI 1.19 {\ \%textendash} 8.86;痰颜色的p = 0.01)。In contrast, treating patients who had lower levels of bronchitic symptoms resulted in shorter time to next exacerbation (hazard ratio 1.83, 95\% CI 1.02{\textendash}3.28; p=0.042).Conclusion Baseline bronchitic symptoms predict response to inhaled aztreonam in支气管扩张。 More sensitive tools to measure bronchitic symptoms may be useful to better identify inhaled antibiotic responders and to evaluate patient response to treatment.Inhaled aztreonam improves cough and sputum production in patients with bronchiectasis but has no impact on other symptoms. More sensitive tools to measure bronchitic symptoms may be useful to enrich for responders and to evaluate patient benefit. https://bit.ly/2UMKM5i}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/56/1/2000608}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/56/1/2000608.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }