@article {Jenkins2003338, author = {Jenkins, Christine R. and Wen, Fu-Qiang and Martin, Allison and Barnes, Peter J. and Celli, Bartolome and钟,nanshan and Zheng, Jin-Ping and Scaria, Anish and Di Tanna, Gian-Luca and Bradbury, Thomas and Berend, Norbert},编辑= {,},低剂量皮质类固醇和茶碱对COPD急性加重风险的影响:慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的最高负担发生在低收入和中等收入国家。188bet官网地址低成本的口服药物,如果有效,可以使负担得起,可获得的慢性阻塞性肺病治疗。在中国37个研究中心进行的随机、三臂、双盲、双假、安慰剂对照研究中,有症状的慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)患者以1:1:1的比例随机分为每日2次安慰剂+每日1次安慰剂。低剂量茶碱100mg,每日两次加安慰剂,每日一次或低剂量茶碱100mg,每日两次加低剂量口服强的松5mg,每日一次,持续48周。主要终点是年化恶化率。结果:1670名受试者被随机分配,1242名受试者完成研究(其中1142名受试者在第48周数据可接受)。研究对象(75.7% \%男性)平均年龄64.4岁,平均基线支气管扩张剂后1秒用力呼气量(FEV1) 1.1{\textpm}0.4 L(42.2% \%预测),圣乔治呼吸问卷(SGRQ)评分45.8{\textpm}20.1。三种治疗方法的年恶化率之间的差异可以忽略不计:茶碱+泼尼松组为0.89 (95\% CI 0.78{\白藤藤}1.02),茶碱+安慰剂组为0.86 (95\% CI 0.75{\白藤藤}0.99),安慰剂组为1.00 (95\% CI 0.87{\白藤藤}1.14)。 The rate ratio for theophylline plus prednisone versus pooled theophylline plus placebo and placebo was 0.96 (95\% CI 0.83{\textendash}1.12), for theophylline plus placebo versus placebo was 0.87 (95\% CI 0.73{\textendash}1.03; p=0.101) and for theophylline plus prednisone versus placebo was 0.90 (95\% CI 0.76{\textendash}1.06; p=0.201). Secondary outcomes of hospitalisations, FEV1, SGRQ and COPD Assessment Test score showed no statistically significant difference between treatment arms. Serious adverse events other than exacerbations were \<2\% and did not differ between treatment arms.Conclusions Low-dose theophylline alone or in combination with prednisone did not reduce exacerbation rates or clinically important secondary end-points compared with placebo.This large, rigorously conducted RCT showed that the combination of low-dose theophylline and prednisone did not affect exacerbation rate in patients with moderate to severe COPD in China https://bit.ly/2KSQ2BK}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/57/6/2003338}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/57/6/2003338.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }