% 0期刊文章%卡恩斯,年%布鲁斯,Pepa %威廉姆斯,马修% Doppen, Marjan %黑色,梅丽莎%因此,马克%比斯利,理查德·% T重复剂量布地奈德/ formoterol相比舒喘灵在成人哮喘:一个随机交叉试验% D J 2022% R 10.1183/13993003.02309 -2021%欧洲呼吸杂志% P 2102309 X %的目标来确定比较支气管扩张剂,系统性beta2-agonist,心血管和副作用舒喘灵200µg和布地奈德/ formoterol 200/6µg稳定多次服用哮喘。方法这个非盲、交叉、只有对照试验,随机成人哮喘不同订单的两个治疗方案:舒喘灵200µg通过MDI在t = 0时,30岁,60岁,90分钟,然后通过nebuliser舒喘灵2.5毫克t = 120, 140, 160和420分钟;或布地奈德/ formoterol 200/6µg驱动通过Turbuhaler在t = 0时,30岁,60岁,90分钟,两个驱动在t = 120, 140、160和420分钟。主要结果测量指标是180分钟后残。次要结果包括重复措施FEV1、血清钾、心率、和不良eventsResults 39名患者随机撤回由于不良事件(QTCF延长和T波异常)和舒喘灵第一次干预后。均值(sd)改变基线后FEV1 180分钟的随机舒喘灵和布地奈德/ formoterol方案是0.71 (0.46)L, N = 38岁和0.58 (0.45)L, N = 37岁的分别;平均(sd)配对差异−0.10 (0.40)L, N = 37岁,和一个基于模型的估计差异(95% CI)−0.12 L(−0.25到0.02),p = 0.088。主要辅助分析、舒喘灵导致大大增强残从30到240分钟,但小残在360和420分钟。舒喘灵导致显著降低血清钾、和更高的心率和不良事件的数量。结论的比较支气管扩张剂反应重复舒喘灵200µg剂量−1和布地奈德/ formoterol 200/6µg不同取决于测量的时间。舒喘灵造成更大的系统性beta2-agonist和心血管效应和更多的不良事件。FootnotesThis manuscript has recently been accepted for publication in the European Respiratory Journal. It is published here in its accepted form prior to copyediting and typesetting by our production team. After these production processes are complete and the authors have approved the resulting proofs, the article will move to the latest issue of the ERJ online. Please open or download the PDF to view this article.Conflict of Interest: RB has received research funding from Genentech, Astra Zeneca and Health Research Council New Zealand and personal fees from AstraZeneca, Cipla, Avillion and Theravance all outside the submitted work. All other authors have nothing to disclose outside of the funding for this study. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/early/2022/01/20/13993003.02309-2021.full.pdf