PT -期刊文章盟Coppoolse R盟——一流,我非盟- Baarends EM盟——便宜,R盟——Akkermans马AU -詹森,PP AU -武泰,EF TI -间隔和持续培训严重慢性阻塞性肺病患者:一项随机临床试验DP - 1999年8月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 258 - 263 - 14的IP - 2 4099 - // 4100 - //所以欧元和J1999 8月01;14 AB -有限的信息是可用的关于不同类型的运动训练的生理反应严重的慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者。本研究的目的是两个褶皱:首先,探讨生理反应培训的60%达到峰值负载严重慢性阻塞性肺病患者;其次研究区间的影响(I)和连续(C)培训在这些患者。21 COPD患者(平均+ / -标准差在一秒钟用力呼气量:37 + /预测的-15%,normoxaemic静止)在基线评估后8周的训练。患者被随机分配到我或C训练。培训进行周期测力计,每周5天,每天30分钟。总培训项目的工作量是一样的。C training resulted in a significant increase in oxygen consumption (V'O2) (17%, p<0.05) and a decrease in minute ventilation (V'E)/V'O2 (p<0.01) and V'E/carbon dioxide production (V'CO2) (p<0.05) at peak exercise capacity, while no changes in these measures were observed after interval training. During submaximal exercise a significant decrease was observed in lactic acid production, being most pronounced in the C-trained group (-31%, p<0.01 versus -20%, p<0.05). Only in the I-trained group did a significant increase in peak work load (17%, p<0.05) and a decrease in leg pain (p<0.05) occur. Training did not result in a significant improvement in lung function, but maximal inspiratory mouth pressure increased in both groups by 10% (C: p<0.05) and 23% (I: p<0.01). The present study shows a different physiological response pattern to interval or continuous training in chronic obstruction pulmonary disease, which might be a reflection of specific training effects in either oxidative or glycolytic muscle metabolic pathways. Further work is required to determine the role of the different exercise programmes and the particular category of patients for whom this might be beneficial.