@Article {Humbert1351,作者= {Humbert,M和Sanchez,O和Fartoukh,M and M and Jagot,JL和Le Gall,C和Sitbon,O and Parent,F and Simonneau,f and Simonneau,g},title = {短期和长期和长期和长期- 结缔组织疾病继发的肺动脉高压率的术语proprostenol(前列环蛋白)疗法:试验研究的结果},体积= {13},数字= {6},页面= {1351---1356},eYA出版商= {欧洲呼吸社会}188bet官网地址,摘要= {连续静脉注射嗜世醇可改善严重原发性肺动脉高压的运动能力,血液动力学和生存。结缔组织疾病患者的肺动脉高压也可能危及生命。在一项前瞻性开放单中心不受控制的研究中,对继发于结缔组织疾病的严重肺动脉高压患者评估了卵丙醇的作用,这些患者对口服血管扩张剂无反应(包括钙通道阻滞剂),并继续在纽约心脏协会(NYHA)(NYHA)(NYHA)中。尽管常规医疗疗法,功能性III或IV类。17例患者接受了与常规疗法相关的便携式输液泵(口服抗凝剂,利尿剂,补充氧)进行的息肉寄生醇。在治疗的前六周中,两名(12名\%)患者死于肺水肿(n = 1)和严重的败血症(n = 1)。在剩余的15名受试者中,六周后临床和血液动力学参数显着改善。随后对这些患者进行了80 +/- 48(范围14-154)的监测。 Five (33\%) patients died, of right heart failure (n = 2), severe sepsis (n = 2) or syncope (n = 1) and two patients were successfully transplanted 24 and 52 weeks after initiation of epoprostenol. Seven of the remaining eight patients had a persistent clinical improvement. Short-term epoprostenol therapy is effective in some patients with connective tissue diseases as demonstrated by better clinical status and haemodynamics at six weeks. However, this study reports several cases of early and late major complications including severe sepsis and pulmonary oedema. Additional information is needed to evaluate the benefit: risk ratio of long-term epoprostenol therapy in pulmonary hypertension secondary to connective tissue diseases.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/13/6/1351}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/13/6/1351.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }