@Article {Mudway1429,作者= {Mudway,and Blomberg,A和Frew,AJ和Holgate,ST和Sandstrom,T和Kelly,fj},title = {鼻腔灌洗动力在健康人类人类健康的人类中暴露在健康的人类中,志愿者去臭氧},音量= {13},number = {6},pages = {1429---1438},年= {1999},publisher = {欧洲呼吸社会},摘要= {获取有关Real-的信息188bet官网地址在臭氧暴露期间,在人类呼吸道内膜液体(RTLF)中发生的时间事件,对13名人类志愿者进行了顺序鼻腔灌洗,分别在13个志愿者身上进行了曝光,且空气(2-H暴露)(2-H暴露,进行间歇性运动)进行。进行鼻腔灌洗并在每次暴露期间在四个时间点获得血液样本:暴露前(前E),暴露1小时(1H-E),暴露后立即暴露(0H-PE)和暴露后1小时(1H-PE)。在1.5 H-POST暴露(1.5H-PE)时获得了支气管内粘膜活检。在03暴露期间或1.5小时内,鼻腔RTLF中性粒细胞不明显。此外,没有发生活化的中性粒细胞种群的激活。这种03暴露方案没有改变气道渗透性。顺序灌洗导致RTLF抗坏血酸的大量清洗,谷胱甘肽还原,细胞外超氧化物歧化酶和1H-E时的髓过氧化物酶,0H-PE和1.5H-PE相对于基线前E值。 In contrast, RTLF uric acid (UA), total protein and albumin concentrations did not display washout kinetics. Of the antioxidants examined, only UA was clearly depleted by 03, concentrations, falling by 6.22 micromol x L(-1) at 1h-E, compared with 1.61 micromol x L(-1) (p\<0.01) during control air exposure. The establishment of a new pseudo-steady-state concentration of RTLF UA (70\% of Pre-E values) during the second hour of O3 exposure was coincident with a small but significant increase in plasma UA concentration (19.27 (O3) versus 1.95 micromol x L(-1) (air), p\<0.05). These data demonstrate that inhalation of 0.2 parts per million 03 results in the depletion of nasal respiratory tract lining fluid uric acid and that this regional loss of uric acid leads to a small increase in plasma uric acid concentration. Whilst the reaction of uric acid with inspired 03 may confer protection locally, the role of upper airway uric acid as a sink for inhaled O3 is not supported by these findings.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/13/6/1429}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/13/6/1429.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }