@ARTICLE {SMITH835,作者= {史密斯,JA和REDMAN,P和WOODHED,MA},标题=(患者患者患者患者慢性阻塞性肺病的急性加重},体积= {13},数字= {4},页面= {835--838},年= {1999},出版商= {欧洲呼吸社会},摘要= {本报告的目188bet官网地址的是记录慢性阻塞性肺病的急性加剧中的初始抗生素模式的模式(COPD)在医院环境中。根据录取医生,1996年1月期间的一家医院诊断,均急性加剧的所有急性加剧剧集。回顾性审查案例说明。放射线肺炎,支气管扩张和错误编码录取的病例被排除在外。记录症状,微生物培养和初始抗生素疗法。鉴定了一百五十九个患者发作;40被排除在一起,产生119个样品。19例案例不可用,留下100名(84%)发作的样本。八十人在入场时用抗生素治疗;阿莫西霉素是最常规定的,在46(58%)发作中。 Of the antibiotic treated group, 42 (53\%) patients were given dual therapy, most commonly a macrolide antibiotic with either amoxycillin or a cephalosporin. Intravenous treatment was used in 22 (28\%) cases. The duration of intravenous treatment was \>48 h in 12 (15\%) cases. A total of 76 sputum samples were analysed from 55 patient episodes: 34 (45\%) were culture positive. In 15 (27\%) patient episodes, antibiotic therapy was changed or instituted on the basis of culture results. These data suggest that antibiotic treatment is not optimal, with overuse of antibiotics, especially intravenous and dual therapy.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/13/4/835}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/13/4/835.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }