RT Journal文章SR Electronic T1非呼吸暂停打鼾者白天过度嗜睡和疲劳:此种手术后之改善摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 845欧元OP 849 10.1183 / 09031936.94.070508188bet官网地址45 VO 7 5 A1延森C A1 Hillerdal, G A1拉尔森,L A1 Hultcrantz, E A1 Lindholm, CE A1, H A1 Hetta, J年1994 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/7/5/845.abstract AB即使在缺乏睡眠呼吸暂停的情况下,严重打鼾可能是引起白天过度嗜睡(EDS)和疲劳。本研究的目的是研究悬雍垂腭咽成形术(UPPP)是否有效缓解非呼吸暂停性打鼾患者的打鼾和过度白天睡意。对155例无呼吸暂停、打鼾患者(男性136例,女性19例,平均年龄45岁)进行了UPPP评估。105例患者术后3个月后进行评估,50例患者术后12个月后进行评估。54例患者在3个月和12个月后进行了评估。49例患者在2年后进行进一步评估。结果与76例保守治疗、无呼吸暂停、打鼾患者的结果进行了比较,这些患者在首次检查12个月后再次进行了调查。术后频繁大声打鼾的患者比例从96%下降到18%。据报道,在EDS和日间疲劳方面有显著改善。 The proportion of patients who reported problems staying awake when driving had decreased from 29 to 7%, and the number who felt rested when awakening in the morning had increased from 23 to 78 after the operation. The patients in the UPPP group had somewhat more severe symptoms before treatment than those treated conservatively. One year after treatment the situation had been reversed, with significantly more snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness in the conservatively-treated group. In conclusion, these results indicate that UPPP is effective in relieving snoring and EDS in nonapnoeic snorers.