TY-JUR T1 - 儿童间质肺病:诊断方法的多期调查JF - 欧洲呼吸杂志Jo - EUR RESPIR J SP - 509 LP - 513 VL - 16是 - 3 AU - Barbato,A Au - Panizzolo,C Au- Au - De Blic,J Au - Dinwiddie,r Au - Zach,M Y1 - 2000/09/01 Ur - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/16/3/509.abstract n2 -慢性间质性肺病(ILD)是儿科年龄组的罕见疾病,预后差。ILD的诊断方法是基于或多或少的侵入性方法。实施本研究以验证儿童最常用于哪种方法。调查问卷(333)被送到欧洲呼吸社会儿科组件的成员,属于187名欧洲和非欧洲中心。188bet官网地址问题涉及非侵入性诊断方法的使用,例如,使用非侵入性诊断方法。历史考虑,体检,常规实验室测试,呼吸功能试验和放射学(胸部射线照相,高分辨率计算断层扫描(HRCT)),以及使用侵入性技术,如支气管肺泡灌洗(BAL),跨界活检(TBB),开放肺活检(OLB),视频辅助胸镜活检(VAT)和HRCT,具有细针穿刺活检(FNAB)。三十八个中心返回调查问卷,研究了131名患有ILD的儿童。 A diagnosis of ILD was achieved in five (3.8%) patients using noninvasive techniques alone. Using the various biopsy methods, histological assessment was performed on a total of 98 (74.8%) children. The most frequently used invasive technique both alone and in combination was BAL (83, 63.3%), followed by OLB (64, 48.8%), TBB (26, 19.8%) and VAT (11, 8.4%); FNAB was used in one patient. In conclusion a diagnosis of interstitial lung disease was reached on the basis of aetiological and/or histological findings in 117 (89%) of the 131 patients studied. ER -