PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Rasmussen, F AU - Lambrechtsen, J AU - Siersted, HC AU - Hansen, HS AU - Hansen, NC TI儿童期低体质与成年早期哮喘的发展有关:欧登塞学童研究DP - 2000年11月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 866 - 870 - 16 IP - 5 4099 - // 4100 - //所以欧元和J2000 11月01;16ab -儿童剧烈的体育活动既可以改善体质,预防哮喘,也可能引发哮喘症状。这项研究的目的是确定儿童时期的身体健康是否对哮喘的发展有影响。在这项前瞻性、基于社区的研究中,757名(84%)无症状儿童(平均年龄9.7岁)被随访了10.5年。在这两项调查中,都使用自行车力量计上的最大渐进式运动测试来测量身体健康(最大工作量)和诱导气道狭窄。在随访中对受试者进行了甲胆碱激发试验。在10年的研究期间,51名(6.7%)以前无症状的儿童发展为哮喘。这些受试者在1985年的平均身体健康水平低于他们的同龄人:(3.63 vs 3.89 W x kg(-1);p=0.02)和(3.17 vs 3.33 W x kg(-1); p=0.02) in girls. A weak correlation was found between physical fitness in childhood and airway responsiveness to methacholine at follow-up when adjusted for body mass index, age and sex (r=0.11; p<0.01). In a multiple regression analysis, physical fitness was inversely related to the development of physician diagnosed asthma, odds ratio=0.93 (0.87-0.99). Thus, the risk for the development of asthma during adolescence is reduced 7% by increasing the maximal workload 1 W x kg(-1). In conclusion, this study showed that physical fitness in childhood is weakly correlated with the development of asthma during adolescence and that high physical fitness seems to be associated with a reduced risk for the development of asthma.