Ty -jour t1-高剂量率支气管内近距离放射治疗:189例患者的结果和并发症 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO -eur呼吸J SP -162 LP -168 VL -168 VL -11 IS -1 AU -1 AU -TAULELLE -TAULELLE,MAU -CHAUVET,BAU -BAU,B AU-vincent,p au -felix -faure,c au -buciarelli,b au -garcia,r au -brewer,y au -au -rebour,reboul,f y1-1998/01/01 ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/含量/11/1/162. ABSTRACT N2-本研究的目的是确定高剂量率支撑枪胆管治疗在阻塞性肺癌治疗中的好处。在1990年9月至1995年3月之间,用高剂量的支气管内近距离放射治疗治疗了189例支气管癌患者。大多数患者(69.3%)已经接受了事先治疗,并因复发性或残留的支气管疾病而出现有症状的支气管阻塞。一小组(12%)在医学上不适合手术切除或胸腔放射疗法,并且仅受益于支气管近距离放射治疗而受益于小型支撑肿瘤。其余的患者以前没有接受过治疗,并进行了支撑枪治疗,以用于威胁生命的症状,需要在其他疗法之前缓解紧急障碍。每周进行治疗,由三到四到4至10 Gy的分数组成,半径距离源中心10毫米。止血(74%),呼吸困难(54%)和咳嗽(54%)获得了重大症状缓解。在54%的病例中观察到完全内窥镜反应。 Median survival was 7 months for the entire group. For small, strictly endobronchial tumours, complete response rate was 96%, median survival 17 months, and 30 month survival 46%, with a plateau starting at 18 months. Grade 3 to 4 toxicities occurred at a rate of 17% and included massive haemoptysis (n=13), bronchial stenosis (n=12), soft tissue necrosis (n=8), and bronchial fistula (n=3). By univariate analysis, no factor was found to be predictive of late pulmonary toxicity. The present study confirms the usefulness of endobronchial brachytherapy in alleviating symptoms caused by endobronchial recurrence of bronchogenic carcinoma. In addition, this therapy can be tried with curative intent in patients who present with small endobronchial tumours and are not candidates for other forms of therapy. ER -