TY - JOUR T1 -奶农呼吸健康的纵向研究:谷仓的影响人工饲料干燥摩根富林明-欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J SP - 2522 LP - 2528欧元六世- 10 - 11盟Mauny F AU -脊髓灰质炎,JC盟——莫内、E盟——Pernet D盟——Laplante JJ盟——Depierre盟——Dalphin JC Y1 - 1997/11/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/10/11/2522.abstract N2 -呼吸乳品业的后果没有影响因素进行了广泛的调查。为了评价仓饲料干燥对呼吸系统症状和肺功能的影响,在法国Doubs进行了5年的随访研究。1990年对一群男性奶农进行了分析。初步的横断面结果表明,烘干饲料可以保护奶农的肺功能不受损害。1995年,对113名烘仓农民(92%)和231名传统烘仓农民(84%)进行了重新分析。比较了仓房和传统旱地农民的症状患病率和肺功能的肺量指标。在控制了年龄、吸烟状况、海拔高度和累积接触量之后,相比于传统的烘干农民,烘干谷仓的农民患慢性支气管炎的几率更低(4比10%;1秒用力呼气量(FEV1) (p=0.06)和FEV1/肺活量(VC) (p<0.01)略高。两组患者呼吸功能参数下降无显著性差异。 Variables positively and significantly associated to longitudinal decline of lung function parameters were: age (FEV1, FEV1/VC); altitude (VC, FEV1) and chronic bronchitis and dyspnoea at the initial survey (FEV1/VC). Persistence and emergence of chronic bronchitis, dyspnoea and symptoms at exposure were also significantly associated to an acceleration in the annual decline of the respiratory function. In conclusion, the mode of fodder drying does not seem to significantly influence the decline in lung function. Nevertheless, this study confirms the results of the initial cross-sectional analysis and supports the hypothesis that barn drying fodder may have a protective effect on respiratory health in dairy farming. ER -