ty -jour t1-正常麻醉受试者的肺和胸壁力学以及在不同窥视级别的COPD患者JF -Europen呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -2545 LP -2545 LP -2552 VL -10 IS -11 AU -MUSCH -MUSCH,G MUSCH,Gau -foti,g au -cereda,m au -pelosi,p au -poppi,d au -pesenti,y1-1997/1997/11/01 ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/content/11/11/11/11/2545.ABSTRACT N2-为了评估肺部和胸壁对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)急性通气衰竭(AVF)患者的呼吸技工的相对贡献(AVF),我们研究了八名受控机械机械的COPD患者AVF和九个正常受试者的通风为对照组,以手术为对照组。通过使用Interupter技术以及我们测量的食道球的技术:静态肺和胸壁弹性(E [ST,L]和E [ST,W]分别最小(r [l,min])和额外的(deltar [l])肺阻力,额外的胸壁电阻(Deltarw),在COPD组中,总固有正端验证压力(PEEPTOT)。在0、5、10和15 CMH2O的施加阳性最终验力压力(PEEP)时重复测量。我们发现,在COPD组中:1)E(ST,W)和DELTARW都高于正常组;2)由于R(L,Min)和Deltarl的增加,R(L,Max)显着增加;3)即使是低水平的PEEP提高了Peeptot; 4) PEEP did not reduce elastance or total resistance of either the lung or the chest wall. We conclude that chest wall mechanics are abnormal in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with acute ventilatory failure undergoing controlled mechanical ventilation and that positive end-expiratory pressure does not seem to be effective in reducing either elastance or resistance of the lung or chest wall. ER -