Ty-Jour T1 - 血液动力学和内分泌患者呼吸衰竭的非侵袭性机械通气的内分泌效果JF - 欧洲呼吸期刊Jo - Eur Respir J SP - 2553 LP - 2559 VL - 10是 - 11 Au - Thorens,JB Au - Ritz,M Au -Reynard,C Au - Righetti,Au - Vallotton,M Au - Favre,H Au - Kyle,U Au - Jolliet,P Au - Chevrolet,JC Y1 - 1997/11/01 UR - http://erj.ersjournals。COM / CONTED / 10/11 / 2553.Abstract N2 - 本研究的目的是探讨非侵入性阳性压力通气(NIPPV)的血液动力学和内分泌作用。包括11例水肿和最近的高钙质和缺氧恶化的慢性呼吸资料不足。在入院和排放时测量超声心动图,心脏放射性核素评估,血液儿茶酚胺,盐和水处理激素(长期研究(LS))。为了区分Nippv和其他治疗的作用,在第四天进行测量,4小时,没有Nippv和Nippv(短期研究(SS))。Nippv需要对LS和SS中的P(A,O2)的校正以及增加P(A,O2)。水肿消失了。在LS期间,体重减少(从85 +/- 42到81 +/- 40千克)。在LS和SS中减少了收缩系的肺动脉压。 Right ventricular ejection fraction increased in LS. Left ventricular ejection fraction did not change. Cardiac index was normal on admission and then decreased. Natriuretic peptides and catecholamines were increased on admission, whereas plasma renin activity, aldosterone and vasopressin were normal. We suggest that in these patients, oedema can occur independently of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-vasopressin and with a normal cardiac output. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation allowed a correction of blood gases, associated with the resolution of oedema, a decrease in pulmonary arterial pressures and an increase in right ventricular ejection fraction. ER -