%0期刊文章%a gdeedo,a%a van schil,p%a corthouts,b%a van mieghem,f%a van meerbeeck,j%a van marck,e%t对纵隔淋巴的计算机断层扫描和纵隔镜检查的预期评估节点分期%d 1997%j欧洲呼吸杂志%p 1547-1551%v 10%n 7%x精确的纵隔淋巴结(LN)分期在其他可操作的非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)中是必不可少的,因为它决定了后续治疗并可能包含在新辅助试验中。纵隔镜检查和计算机断层扫描(CT)的作用仍然存在争议。为了确定当前CT扫描仪的准确性,进行了一项前瞻性研究。从1993年4月到1995年9月,CT和宫颈纵隔镜检查进行了100例NSCLC的连续NSCLC患者进行了分期。Naruke的地图用于分类,LNS大于1 cm被认为CT阳性。有91名男性和9名女性,平均年龄为64岁(45-82)。五十九个肿瘤是中央和41个外围,64个右侧和36个左侧。在74例患者中进行了带有纵隔LN采样的胸腔切开术,患有多级IIIA或IIIB期疾病的患者。 Twenty five (25%) mediastinoscopies were positive and three were false-negative (3%). There were 29 false-positive CT scans and 12 false-negative. Overall sensitivity and specificity of CT were 63 and 57%, respectively, and of mediastinoscopy 89 and 100%, respectively. Positive and negative predictive values of CT were 41 and 77%, respectively, and of mediastinoscopy 100 and 96%, respectively. Accuracy of CT was 59% and of mediastinoscopy 97%. Accuracy of CT was lowest for left-sided and centrally located tumours, and for LN station 7. Even with current computed tomography scanners, sensitivity and specificity remain low. Although overall cost may increase, routine cervical mediastinoscopy is necessary for precise staging of non-small cell lung cancer, and subcarinal lymph nodes should be routinely sampled. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/10/7/1547.full.pdf