%0期刊论文%A舒普,R%A Dalsky,G%A华纳,S%A戴维斯,M%甲康纳斯,M%甲汗,M%甲汗,F%A ZuWallack,R%T身体组成和健康在患者气道阻塞性疾病%d%1997年Ĵ欧洲呼吸杂志%P 1576至80年%V 10%的生活质量 - 相关N 7%X本研究评估体重和瘦体重异常上的健康相关的质量的影响生活(HRQL)的气道阻塞性疾病。体重,瘦体重(使用双能X线骨密度仪),以及HRQL(使用圣乔治呼吸问卷(SGRQ))在50名患者中测量。低瘦体重被定义为一个对照群体的第五百分位数以下的贫质量指数(瘦体重/身高2)。呼吸困难是由基线呼吸困难指数测量。平均(SD)年龄为69±9岁;在一秒钟内的用力呼气量(FEV1)为预测的39 +/- 19%。患者比预测的2.4 +/-4.1公斤少瘦肉质量。增加呼吸困难是HRQL较差的最有影响力的预测。 Compared to normal-weight patients, those who were underweight had significantly greater impairment in activity, impact, and total SGRQ scores, while those who were overweight had greater impairment in impact and total SGRQ scores. Low lean mass was associated with greater impairment in symptoms, activity and impact subscores and the total SGRQ score. When dyspnoea was added to the model as a covariate, neither weight nor lean mass remained significantly related to HRQL. Thus, although body weight and lean mass abnormalities influence health-related quality of life, their effects appear to be mediated through increased levels of dyspnoea. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/10/7/1576.full.pdf