PT-期刊文章Au -Rossi,Au -Ganassini,Au -Polese,G Au -Grassi,V TI-肺动脉炎和呼吸机依赖性患者DP -1997 Jul 01 TA-欧洲呼吸道-10 ip -7 4099 - 4100 -呼吸J1997 7月1日;10 AB - 肺部过度充气是晚期慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)或急性哮喘患者的主要医学问题。到目前为止,肺部过度充气对肺力学的明显有益作用,例如增强气道通畅性和肺弹性后坐力,对迄今为止对呼吸肌肉压力产生能力的有害影响所淹没。此外,可以显着增加通气工作量:1)通过将呼吸系统向上朝向压力体积曲线的上部,平坦的部分;2)需要扩大胸壁,而不仅仅是肺部;3)通过与动态过度充电系统相关的固有正急血压(PEEPI)。在机械通风的患者中,肺部过度充气及其病理生理后果的机制与自发呼吸患者所描述的机制没有差异。但是,应考虑一些具体问题,即内托管管的影响以及呼吸机的模式和设置。 In mechanically ventilated patients, pulmonary hyperinflation increases the risk of barotrauma and may hamper weaning due to the excessive burden of PEEPi, which can even lead to ineffective inspiratory efforts. Because of its harmful consequences, pulmonary hyperinflation must be treated aggressively by pharmacological therapy and, when needed, by ventilatory treatment. The setting of the ventilator must be predetermined to ensure the longest possible time for expiration, and positive end-expiratory pressure can be applied to prevent an excessive workload for the patient and ineffective inspiratory efforts.