@article {Sunyer885, author = {Sunyer, J and Anto, JM and Tobias, A and Burney, P}, title ={15个工业化国家自我报告的哮喘首次发作的代际增加。欧洲共同体呼吸健康研究(ECRHS),卷={14},号={4},页={885- 891},年={1999},出版商={欧洲呼吸学会},摘要={全球哮喘患病率增加。188bet官网地址然而,只有局部证据表明发病率发生了变化。可以对欧洲共同体呼吸健康调查(ECRHS)的数据进行分析,以重建1946-1991年15个国家35个地区1946-1971年出生的人群的发病率趋势。作者报告了自我报告的首次哮喘发生的时间趋势及其地理分布。所有中心在1991-92年完成了同样的横断面研究。总共17613人(63%的随机选择)被纳入研究。在20-44岁的受试者中,在某一时间点的访谈中记录了首次哮喘发作的年龄。以年龄为时间尺度,使用生存方法估计队列哮喘的相对风险。哮喘的年发病率随出生队列的增加而递增。 The relative risks were 1.12 (0.94-1.34), 1.39 (1.17-1.66), 2.01 (1.60-2.51), and 2.33 (1.81-2.98) for the cohorts born in the years 1951-55, 1956-60, 1961-65, and 1966-71, respectively, in comparison with the cohort born in the years 1946-50. The increase occurred concurrently in most of the countries, in both males and females, and both in childhood and adulthood onset asthma. These results are consistent with a generational increase in asthma incidence during the previous decades (explained by both a period and/or a cohort effect), although some of the findings could be explained by generational increases in asthma diagnosis.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/14/4/885}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/14/4/885.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }