RT期刊文章SR电子T1不可逆的气流阻塞终身不吸烟者有中度到重度哮喘摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 892欧元896 10.1034 / j.1399-3003.1999.14d27 OP。188bet官网地址x签证官14 4 A1 CS Ulrik A1 V支持者年1999 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/14/4/892.abstract AB这纵向研究的目的是评估的频率不可逆的气流阻塞(NRAO)成年人中度到重度哮喘,和比较的下降在一秒用力呼气量(FEV1)在哮喘患者与可逆和不可逆的气流阻塞。九十二(31名男性)终身不吸烟者患有哮喘参加了一个10年随访研究;平均年龄37岁(范围18 - 64)和持续时间的哮喘16岁(范围2-60)报名。病史,包括哮喘药物的使用,获得了,肺功能,包括扩散能力,使用标准的测量技术。在招生,所有患者典型的症状和可逆的气流阻塞。(NRAO)被定义为FEV1 < 80%的预测和变化在deltaFEV1 5毫克舒喘灵pred < 9%。总共有21例(23%)患者(平均年龄在招生32岁)实现NRAO随访时的标准;当前治疗吸入性类固醇(n = 21日平均每天1.5毫克),口服类固醇(n = 14),茶碱(n = 20),口服beta2-agonist (n = 6)和吸入beta2-agonist。患者NRAO (n = 21)比其余患者FEV1陡峭的下降(n = 71,可逆的气流阻塞(RAO)),意思是+ / -标准差53 + / -23毫升x年x(1)和36 + / -21毫升年(1),(p < 0.003)。 Increasing degree of bronchodilator reversibility (deltaFEV1% pred) at enrolment (p=0.002) and long-term treatment with oral corticosteroids (p=0.009) were associated with an increased risk for the presence of NRAO at follow-up. The comparison of data for NRAO and RAO patients (at follow-up) revealed no significant differences in mean values for total diffusion capacity (TL,CO), diffusion constant (KCO), or total lung capacity. The findings suggest that a subgroup of asthmatics may experience very steep rates of decline in forced expiratory volume in one second leading to severe nonreversible airflow obstruction, whereas no indication was found that long-standing asthma may lead to the development of emphysema.