@article {agusti934,作者= {Agusti,Ag和Carrera,M和Barbe,F和Munoz,A and Togores,B},title = {慢性阻塞性肺疾病的氧气治疗},体积= {14},数量= {14},数字= {4},页面= {934--939},年= {1999},Publisher = {欧洲呼吸社会},摘要=188bet官网地址 {venturi masks(vms)和鼻prongs(nps)被广泛用于治疗急性呼吸衰竭(ARF)在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)中。在这项研究中,这些装置的潜力是使呼吸酸中毒恶化的潜力以及它们保持足够(\> 90 \%)动脉氧合(SA,O2)的能力(约24小时)。在一项随机跨界研究中,研究了18名因ARF而需要住院的COPD患者。在确定基线动脉血气水平(在房间空气上)之后,将患者随机通过VM或NP进行氧疗法,以最低可能的灵感氧分子,导致最初的SA,O2的初始SA,O2的\> OR = 90 \%。在30分钟后(O2上)再次测量动脉血液水平,然后在随后的24小时内使用计算机记录的SA,O2。然后,通过替代装置(NPS或VM)将患者越过以接受O2治疗,并以相同的顺序再次获得相同的测量。观察到,VM和NP都以相同的程度(P = NS)改善了动脉氧张力(P \ <0.0001),对动脉二氧化碳张力或pH没有任何显着影响。然而,尽管使用VM,SA,O2的最初氧合为3.7 +/- 3.8 h,使用NPS(p \ <0.05)为5.4 +/- 5.9 h。 Regression analysis showed that the degree of arterial hypoxaemia (p\<0.05) and arterial hypercapnia (p\<0.05) present before starting O2 therapy and, particularly, the initial Sa,O2 achieved after initiation of O2 therapy (p\<0.0001) enabled the time (in h) that patients would be poorly oxygenated (Sa,O2 \< 90\%) on follow-up to be predicted. These findings suggest that, in order to maintain an adequate (\> 90\%) level of arterial oxygenation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and moderate acute respiratory failure: 1) the initial arterial oxygen saturation on oxygen should be maximized whenever possible by increasing the inspiratory oxygen fraction; 2) this strategy seems feasible because neither the VM nor NPs worsen respiratory acidosis significantly; and 3) the Venturi mask (better than nasal prongs) should be recommended.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/14/4/934}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/14/4/934.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }