ty -jour t1-肺部囊肿的手术治疗:30例JF的评论 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -441 LP -444 VL -444 VL -13 IS -2 AU -YALCINKAYA,I AU -ER -ER,M,M,M,Mau -ozbay,b au -ugras,s y1-1999/02/01 ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/content/13/2/441.abstract n2 -hydatid Cyst疾病仍然是土耳其的问题特别是在东安纳托利亚地区,以及世界上许多其他地方。回顾性综述,对过去3年中30例肺羟基囊肿患者进行了手术治疗。19例男性和11名女性,平均年龄为23.5岁(范围4-44岁)。在30例(93.4%)中的28例中进行了膀胱切开术和大会。当肝脏涉及时,首选跨齿或同时剖腹手术。由于术后可能复发,因此在四名患有多个氢囊肿的患者中使用了阿苯达唑。在大多数情况下,咳嗽和胸痛是明显的症状。22例患者受到了一个叶片的影响。 Unilateral multiple foci were present in four patients and bilateral multiple foci in four. Six patients had concomitant liver cysts. Morbidity was low and no mortality was seen. No recurrences were seen on control chest radiographs during the last 2-yr follow-up. In the treatment of hydatid cyst of the lung, conservative surgical methods such as cystotomy and capitonnage still remain the treatment of choice. Medical treatment could be used for prophylactic purposes and in some instances, but the percutaneous aspiration method should not be performed. ER -