RT期刊文章SR电子T1肺功能在吸入的哮喘儿童中有吸入的Cromoglycate,Nedocromil和皮质类固醇疗法JF欧洲呼吸杂志JO EUR RESSIR J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 82 OP 86 VO 13 IS 1 A1 A1 A1 A1 a1 korhonen,m k a1 korhonen,m188bet官网地址A1 REMES,St A1 Reijonen,TM A1 Remes,K YR 1999 Ul //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/13/1/82.abstract abstract abt abt abt abt abt abt abt abt abt abtt a abt abt abt abty the-tttirection in Aregains in Aring Cromones,仅使用Cromones,并且仅使用Cromones,并且仅使用Cromones,三分之一的类固醇作为维持疗法。这项研究旨在根据国际共识评估我们的治疗政策。因此,在1995年访问我们的门诊诊所的195名年龄患者中,收集了峰值呼气流量(PEF),动态肺活量法和支气管扩张测试结果。64岁的儿童(33%)使用Cromoglycate,86(44%)NEDOCROMIL和45(45)(45(44%)(23%)吸入类固醇。25(12%)需要组合疗法,主要是配盐醇。肺功能结果很好,无论考虑考虑是否考虑过支气管缓解剂值的值,治疗组之间没有显着差异。在33名(17%)患者中,在八个(FEVI)中,PEF降低了八个(4%),一秒钟(FEVI)的强迫呼气量(FEVI)降低,最大呼气流量(MMEF)。在39例(20%)病例中,至少有一个结果减少了,在大多数情况下(77%)MMEF。在PEF中,在17(9%)中观察到Salbutamol吸入后的显着升高,在FEV1中有2(1%)和MMEF值20(10%)。 Thus, the bronchodilation test was positive in 33 (17%) cases, and in 22 (11%) cases it was the only sign of bronchial obstruction. Over 70% of the children with asthma can be treated with cromones by a stepwise treatment modality. Inhaled steroids can be restricted to those not controllable by cromones. Lung function tests, including postbronchodilator values, should be part of the follow-up of continuous maintenance medication for asthma.