PT-日记文章Au -Rabin,D.L。AU-理查森(M.S.A.)Au -Stein,S.R。AU- Yeager,H。Ti-结节病的严重程度和社会经济状况DP -2001 Sep 01 TA-欧洲呼吸杂志PG -499--506 VI -18 IP -3 4099 - 4100 - so -eur Respir J2001 9月1日;18 AB-黑人,社会经济状况低下(SES)且保险不足的人的几种慢性疾病更为严重。作者询问结节病是否正确。分析了结节疾病严重程度,SES,保险范围和功能限制之间的关联。通过电话采访了市政和大学医院结节病登记处的背部和白色结节病患者(n = 110)。从患者图表中抽象出有关疾病严重程度的数据。大多数患者通过人口特征报告了良好或出色的健康状况。 Low SES and no or public insurance were associated with worse health status and more severe dyspnoea. More advanced radiographic stage was associated with lower income, and forced vital capacity impairment with less education. Physical and social activity limitations due to physical and emotional disability were related to no or public insurance and lower income, but not education. Sarcoidosis severity is associated with socioeconomic status and insurance indicators; no or public insurance and low income are associated with functional limitations. Sarcoidosis-associated limitations are substantial, emphasizing the social significance of sarcoidosis. Lack of private insurance may inhibit the use of medical care, contributing to disease severity and impairment. This work was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health, Grant no. 1-RO3-AI38937-01.