@article {Bellia21s,作者= {Bellia,V。和Pistelli,F。和贾尼尼,D。和Scichilone,N。和卡塔拉诺,F。和斯帕塔福拉,M。和Hopps,R。和Carrozzi,L。和巴达西,S.和Di PEDE,F。和Paggiaro,P。和Viegi,G.},标题= {问卷,肺活量测定和PEF老年呼吸系统疾病患者}在流行病学研究中监测,体积= {21},数= {40}增刊页= {-21 - -27},年= {} 2003,DOI = {10.1183 / 09031936.03.00402303},出版商= {欧洲呼吸学会},抽象= {问卷188bet官网地址呼吸流行病学测量的最常用仪器主观。问卷旨在限制偏见的最大化有效性和可靠性,可比性和标准化。在欧盟项目BIOMED1,呼吸标准问卷(CORSQ)的简编成人覆盖了从一般信息18个主题早期生活事件,通过环境风险因素和呼吸道症状和疾病的发展。Reliable spirometry data needs a rigorous quality control programme, as in the {\textquotedblleft}Salute Respiratoria nell{\textquoteright}Anziano{\textquotedblright} (Sa.R.A.) project, Italian for {\textquotedblleft}Respiratory Health in the Elderly{\textquotedblright}. Reproducibility rates were 95.8\% for forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1). Male sex and age were independent risk factors for a poorer reproducibility, as well as cognitive and physical impairment (shorter 6-min walking distance) and lower educational level for a poorer acceptability. Reference values for people aged 65{\textendash}85 yrs have been produced; these results suggest that the effect of aging should be corrected for physical and mental disability. A revision of interpretative strategies included in current guidelines is needed. Peak expiratory flow monitoring has several methodological problems: reliability and sensitivity of the measurement in order to detect changes in airway calibre; compliance with long-term monitoring; choice of the best variability index; difference between asthmatic and nonasthmatic subjects; age-related differences. Despite these methodological problems, peak expiratory flow monitoring has been successfully used in the evaluation of the effects of air pollution in normal and asthmatic subjects, and in the elderly.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/21/40_suppl/21s}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/21/40_suppl/21s.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }