ty -jour t1-哮喘儿童中的流感疫苗接种:对生活质量和症状的影响JF-欧洲呼吸杂志,H.J。Au -van der Wouden,J.C。Au -Raat,H。Au -Bernsen,R.M.D。Au -de Jongste,J.C。Au -van Suijlekom -Smit,L.W.A。Au -Osterhaus,A.D.M.E。Au -Rimmelzwaan,G.F。Au -Mölken,M。Rutten -Van au -Thomas,S。Y1-2004/12/01UR -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content.com/content/24/6/925.abstract.bastract N2-这项研究旨在检测流感疫苗接种对哮喘儿童生活质量,症状学和肺活量测定法的影响。进行了一项随机的双盲安慰剂对照试验,在696(1999-2000为296,2000- 2001年为400)进行了6-18岁年龄的哮喘儿童,该儿童接受了疫苗或安慰剂的疫苗接种。孩子们只参加了一个流感季节。他们记录了日记中的症状,并报道何时症状得分达到预定义的严重程度。如果发生这种情况,研究护士两次拜访了他们,则首先服用咽拭子和肺活量测定法,一周后,以评估过去一周的生活质量。 Compared with placebo, vaccination improved health-related quality of life in the weeks of illness related to influenza-positive swabs. However, no effect was found for respiratory symptoms recorded in the diaries during those weeks. Similarly, no differences were found for quality of life in all weeks of illness or for respiratory symptoms throughout the seasons. Influenza vaccination was found to have a moderately beneficial effect on quality of life in influenza-positive weeks of illness in children with asthma. This study was supported by The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), The Hague, the Netherlands. ER -