Ty -jour t1-依赖氧依赖性COPD JF的卧床氧的随机试验 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -1032 LP -1032 LP -1038 DO -10.1183/09031936.05.00113504 VL -25 IS -6 AU -LACASSE,Y。au -lecours,R.Au -pelletier,C.Au -Bégin,R.Au -Maltais,F。Y1-2005/06/01 UR -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content.com/content/25/6/6/1032.Abtract N2-长期氧疗法可能会限制患者保持活跃的能力,并可能对康复过程有害。这项研究旨在确定室内氧气对慢性阻塞性肺部疾病患者的生活质量和运动能力的影响,符合长期氧疗法的常规标准。在一项1年,随机,三个周期的交叉试验中,将24例患者(平均年龄68岁;静止7.1 kPa(53 mmHg)的平均动脉部分压)分配给由三个可能产生的六个可能序列之一干预措施:1)标准疗法(仅使用氧气浓缩剂的家用氧疗法);2)标准疗法加上所需的卧床氧;3)标准疗法加上卧床压缩空气。卧床氧与门诊压缩空气的比较是双盲。主要结果是生活质量(慢性呼吸问卷),运动耐受性(6分钟步行测试)和每日暴露于氧气治疗的时间。 The trial was stopped prematurely after an interim analysis. On average, the patients used few ambulatory cylinders (7.5 oxygen cylinders versus 7.4 compressed air cylinders over a 3-month study period). Ambulatory oxygen had no effect on any of the outcomes. In conclusion, the current results do not support the widespread provision of ambulatory oxygen to patients with oxygen-dependent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. ER -