ty -jour t1-自我管理降低了COPD JF中的短期和长期住院 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -853 LP -853 LP -857 DO -10.1183/09031936.05.00093204Gadoury,M-A。Au -Schwartzman,K。au -Rouleau,M.Au -Maltais,F。au -Julien,M.Au -au -au -au -au -au -au -Renzi -Renzi,P.Au -au -bégin,R.Au -au -au -nault,D.Au-Bourbeau,J。A2-,Y1-2005/11/01 Ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/26/5/853.abstract N2-本研究的目的是评估长期对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者的自我管理计划的住院影响。进行了一项多中心,随机临床试验,涉及来自七家医院的191名COPD患者。在研究入学率的一年中,该年份有一次或多个住院的患者被分配给自我管理计划“与COPDTM一起生活”或标准护理。所有原因的住院是主要结果,并记录在省级住院数据库中;从省健康保险数据库中记录了紧急访问。大多数患者是老年人,没有受过高度教育,已经提高了COPD(以1升的一秒钟为单位的强迫呼气量反映),几乎一半的呼吸困难得分为5/5(改良的医学研究委员会)。 At 2 years, there was a statistically significant and clinically relevant reduction in all-cause hospitalisations of 26.9% and in all-cause emergency visits of 21.1% in the intervention group as compared to the standard-care group. After adjustment for the self-management intervention effect, the predictive factors for reduced hospitalisations included younger age, sex (female), higher education, increased health status and exercise capacity. In conclusion, in this study, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who received educational intervention with supervision and support based on disease-specific self-management maintained a significant reduction in hospitalisations after a 2-year period. ER -