RT杂志文章SR电子T1非结核分枝杆菌在非HIV患者:流行病学,治疗反应JF欧洲呼吸杂志JO Eur Respir J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 741 OP 746 DO 10.1183/09031936.04.00114004 V188bet官网地址O 23 IS 5 A1 Henry, M.T. A1 Inamdar, L. A1 O'Riordain, D. A1 Schweiger, M. A1 Watson, J.P. YR 2004 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/23/5/741.abstract AB 1997年和1999年发表的最新国际指南提出了非结核分枝杆菌(NTM)引起的疾病的诊断和治疗标准。本文综述了1995-1999年间117例NTM培养阳性HIV阴性患者的流行病学资料、诊断标准、治疗方案和结果。作者希望确定与这些患者预后改善相关的因素。根据国际标准的定义,共有71名患者被认为患有由NTM引起的临床疾病。共有72%的患者被发现患有肺部疾病。1995年至1999年间,感染人数有所上升,1997年达到高峰。最显著的上升是鸟分枝杆菌细胞内复杂感染(1995年:33%感染;1996年:36%感染;1997年:41%感染; 1998: 61% infections; 1999: 57% infections). There was a link between deprivation and number of positive NTM isolates (34.4% isolates occurred in the areas of lowest Carstairs deprivation index versus 20.6% isolates from areas of least deprivation). There was a significant association between appropriate therapy, defined by American Thoracic Society and British Thoracic Society guidelines, and successful outcome (74%) in contrast to those who received inappropriate treatment prior to the publication of these guidelines. Nontuberculous mycobacteria infections remain a significant problem in non‐HIV patients. Adherence to published guidelines may improve patient outcomes.