TY- JOR T1-儿童JF中吸入的皮质类固醇和肺功能的生长 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -795 LP -795 LP -796 DO -10.1183/09031936.04.0004.0004.00035304Y1-2004/06/01 UR -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/23/6/795.abstract N2-本月版的《欧洲呼吸道期刊》包含两篇论文,这些论文涉及至关重要的主题关于儿童期肺发育的吸入皮质类固醇(ICS)。论文很重要,因为:1)它们提出了有关儿童结果研究的重要方法论问题;2)他们说明了不同年龄段(分别学龄前儿童和青少年)中肺功能测量的不同方法;3)他们提出了有关发育中肺部结构和功能之间关系的问题;and 4) they fuel the debate about the appropriate choice of outcomes in managing ICS therapy in children.反过来,这些要点在下面考虑。首先,两项研究的设计大不相同。Devulapalli等。1对人群样本进行了纵向观察研究,其中被开处方的“复发性支气管阻塞”(未定义)的幼儿与未治疗的症状和无症状组进行了比较。 Although the design is justified as being “based upon … real life”, it suffers from the shortfall that an independent effect of ICS on functional outcome cannot be deduced from the results presented. At best, it is possible to conclude that both treated and untreated young children with recurrent bronchial obstruction appear functionally to return towards normal by 2 yrs of age. Multivariate analysis might have added strength to the assumption that this process was indeed related in someway to ICS therapy, rather than being simply … ER -