PT-日记文章Au -Vandenplas,O。Au -Ghezzo,H.Au -Munoz,X.Au -Moscato,G。Au -au -Perfetti,L。au -au -au -lemière,C.Au -au -au -au -au -au -au -au -au -au -au -au -au -au -l''Archevêque,J。Au -Malo,J -L。ti-问卷项目在识别职业哮喘的受试者中最有用?援助-101183/09031936.05.00024705 DP- 2005年12月01 TA-欧洲呼吸杂志PG -1056---1063 VI -26 IP -6 4099 - - so -eur Respir j2005 Dec 01;26 AB-本研究评估了从前瞻性管理的临床“开放”问卷中获得的关键项目的有用性,该问卷是针对212名受试者的,被提及四家三级护理医院,以预测对职业哮喘(OA)的诊断。在这些受试者中,根据特定的吸入挑战的结果,将72名(34%)诊断为OA(由于高分子重量代理而导致的OA),而90(42%)为非OA。在工作中,有88%的患有OA的受试者发生喘息,是最具体的症状(85%)。鼻和眼睛症状通常是相关的症状。工作中的喘息,鼻和眼瘙痒是积极的,在高分子(但低分子量)的情况下,语音丧失与OA的存在负相关。一个基于对鼻部瘙痒的反应,工作中每日症状的预测模型,鼻分泌物,缺乏声音,喘息和痰液,根据存在或不存在的212名受试者中有156名(74%)的受试者在存在或不存在的情况下正确地预测了156名。 OA by final diagnosis. In conclusion, key items, i.e. wheezing, nasal and ocular itching and loss of voice, are satisfactorily associated with the presence of occupational asthma in subjects exposed to high-molecular-weight agents. Therefore, these should be addressed with high priority by physicians. However, no questionnaire-derived item is helpful in subjects exposed to low-molecular-weight agents.