% 0期刊文章% J-L。Pepin % P . Defaye % s Garrigue % y Poezevara % P . Levy % T超速心房踱步并不能提高阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症% D 2005% R 10.1183 / 09031936.05.00132703 % % P J欧洲呼吸杂志》343 - 347 X % V 25% N 2%本研究的目的是评估的能力超速心房踱步减少睡眠呼吸暂停的严重程度。共有17个未经选择的患者(12男性;平均数±标准差年龄71±10年;身体质量指数27·m±3公斤−2)曾获得永久atrial-synchronous心室起搏器bradyarrhythmias症状,不知道中央或阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(群)进行了研究。使用交叉研究设计,患者或不在节奏模式与心房超速档(15胜·敏−1速度比意味着基线夜间心脏频率)1月。患者只有在睡眠时期,踱着步,被一个特定的算法包含在起搏器。病人接受了三个一夜之间障碍评估1月分开。首先是进行基线评估。病人被随机分配到1晚上在自发的节奏或1晚上与心房超速节奏模式。 Two patients refused to continue the study after the first polysomnographic evaluation. OSAS was highly prevalent in this population: 10 of the 15 (67%) patients exhibited an apnoea–hypopnoea index of >30 events·h−1. The nocturnal spontaneous rhythm was 59±7 beats·min−1 at baseline, compared to 75±10 beats·min−1 with atrial overdrive pacing. The apnoea–hypopnoea index was 46±29 events·h−1 in spontaneous rhythm, compared to 50±24 events·h−1 with atrial overdrive pacing. Overdrive pacing changed none of the respiratory indices, or sleep fragmentation or sleep structure parameters. In conclusion, atrial overdrive pacing has no significant effect on obstructive sleep apnoea. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/25/2/343.full.pdf