RT期刊文章SR电子T1在难以治疗的哮喘JF欧洲呼吸道杂志中频繁加重的风险因素JO EUR RESSIR J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 812 OP 818 DO 10.1183/09031936.05.00037905 VO 26188bet官网地址A1 Sterk,P。J. A1 Mascee,A。A. M. A1 Spinhoven,P.A1 Schmidt,J。T. A1 Zwinderman,A。H. A1 Rabe,K。F. A1 Bel,E。H. H.抽象的AB复发性加重是哮喘患者发病和医疗支出的主要原因。人们认为各种外源性和内源性因素会影响哮喘控制水平,但是有关这些因素参与哮喘患病的复发的系统数据很少。在这项研究中,研究了136例难以治疗哮喘的患者,研究了13个可能与复发性加重有关的临床和环境因素。将上一年超过三种严重加重(n = 39)的患者与每年仅1个恶化的患者进行了比较(n = 24)。系统的诊断方案用于评估13个潜在的危险因素。与频繁恶化相关的因素包括:严重的鼻窦疾病(调整后比值比(OR)3.7);胃食管反流(或4.9);复发性呼吸道感染(OR 6.9);心理功能障碍(或10.8); and obstructive sleep apnoea (OR 3.4). Severe chronic sinus disease and psychological dysfunctioning were the only independently associated factors (adjusted OR 5.5 and 11.7, respectively). All patients with frequent exacerbations exhibited at least one of these five factors, whilst 52% showed three or more factors. In conclusion, the results show that recurrent exacerbations in asthma are associated with specific co-morbid factors that are easy to detect and that are treatable. Therapeutic interventions aimed at correcting these factors are likely to reduce morbidity and medical expenditure in these patients.