作者@article {van Leeuwen605 = {van Leeuwen, R. M. L. and Bossink, A. W. J. and Thijsen, S. F. T.}, title = {Exclusion of active Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex infection with the T-SPOTTM.TB assay}, volume = {29}, number = {3}, pages = {605--607}, year = {2007}, doi = {10.1183/09031936.00066506}, publisher = {European Respiratory Society}, abstract = {The present brief report describes four cases with mycobacterial infection and negative T-SPOTTM.TB tests. This test proved to be a useful tool to help rule out the diagnosis of active Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and could therefore prevent unnecessary or inappropriate therapy.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/29/3/605}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/29/3/605.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }