%0期刊文章%A Malinovschi,A.%A Janson,C。%A Holmkvist,T.%ANorbäck,D。%AMeriläinen,P.%AHögman,M。吸烟对呼出的一氧化氮和呼气的效果独立于流动的一氧化氮交换参数%d 2006%r 10.1183/09031936.06.00113705%j j欧洲呼吸杂志%p 339-345%v 28%n 2%n 2%x这是一个众所周知的事实,众所周知的吸烟与吸烟有关呼出的一氧化氮(NO)水平。但是,在气道不同隔间中吸烟引起的生产变化或NO交换的知识有限。这项研究包括来自欧洲共同体呼吸健康调查II的221名成人受试者,他们的呼气不呼出,肺功能,免疫球蛋白E敏感性和吸烟习惯进行了调查。使用扩展无分析确定以下参数:气道组织一氧化氮浓度(CAW,NO),一氧化氮(DAW,NO),肺泡一氧化氮浓度(Ca,no)和分数呼出一氧化氮浓度在50 ml·S-1的流速下(Feno,0.05)。总气道一氧化氮通量(J'AW,NO)是根据DAW,NO(CAW,NO – CA,NO)计算的。目前的吸烟者(n = 35)表现出较低(几何平均)Feno,0.05(14.0对22.8 ppb),CAW,NO(79.0;对126 ppb)和J'AW,NO(688比1,153 PL·S-1)从未吸烟(n = 111)。 Ex-smokers (n = 75) were characterised by lower FeNO,0.05 (17.7 versus 22.8 ppb) and Jaw,NO (858 versus 1,153 pL·s-1) than never-smokers. These relationships were maintained after adjusting for potential confounders (sex, age, height, immunoglobulin E sensitisation and forced expiratory volume in one second), and, in this analysis, a negative association was found between current smoking and CA,NO. Snus (oral moist snuff) consumption (n = 21) in ex-smokers was associated with an increase in Daw,NO and a reduction in Caw,NO, after adjusting for potential confounders. Passive smoking was associated with a higher CA,NO. Using extended nitric oxide analysis, it was possible to attribute the reduction in exhaled nitric oxide levels seen in ex- and current smokers to a lower total airway nitric oxide flux in ex-smokers and reduced airway and alveolar nitric oxide concentrations in current smokers. The association between snus (oral tobacco) use and reduced nitric oxide concentrations in the airways and increased nitric oxide transfer from the airways warrants further studies. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/28/2/339.full.pdf