RT期刊文章SR电子T1困难哮喘管理是怎样的?摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 968欧元OP 973 10.1183 / 090188bet官网地址31936.06.00003706 VO 28是5 A1 n·J·罗伯茨A1 d·s·罗宾逊A1 m·r·帕特里奇年2006 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/28/5/968.abstract AB大多数哮喘患者很容易治疗。有些困难的哮喘;在一些因为诊断是错误的,因为疾病或不服从。欧洲188bet官网地址呼吸学会工作组已经呼吁这些患者的综合方法,和积极的结果已报告使用协议。在英国,没有全面的了解这个问题的大小,或如何管理这些病人。邮政683年调查的顾问成员英国胸协会旨在引出受访者意见如何管理四个临床场景。有50.4%的反应率。一些报道一个统一的方法来调查这样的病人。专职医疗人员的可用性变量。 The 21 consultant respiratory physicans, reporting a special interest in difficult asthma, were significantly more likely to objectively assess compliance, perform skin-prick tests and to utilise a liaison psychiatrist than those without an expressed special interest in asthma. Many reported difficulty in accessing psychologists, liaison psychiatrists and social workers. Approaches to the diagnosis and management of “vocal cord dysfunction” were variable. The results of this postal survey of specialist thoracic physicians in the UK suggest that a protocol for difficult asthma is not in widespread use and that access to necessary allied healthcare professionals is not uniform. Pulmonologists with a declared special interest in difficult asthma may have configured their services and approaches more in line with that proposed by the European Respiratory Society Task Force.