RT期刊文章SR电子T1结核病在寄宿学校学生中的爆发JF欧洲呼吸杂志JO Eur Respir J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 986 OP 991 DO 10.1183/09031936.06.00002506 VO 28 IS 5 A1 Stein-Zamir, C. A1 Volovik,188bet官网地址 I. A1 Rishpon, S. A1 Atamna, a . A1 Lavy, a . A1 weler - ravell, D. YR 2006 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/28/5/986.abstract AB结核病(TB)暴发是一个公共卫生挑战。以色列一所寄宿学校在一年内出现了6例活动性结核病。进行了流行病学暴发调查,随后采取了控制措施。调查包括对学生进行访谈、结核菌素皮肤试验(TST)和胸部x光片。密切接触者(n = 155)定义为与患者在同一班级或宿舍。远程联系人(n = 246)定义为在校。在5例病例中发现了流行病学关联,在分子分析中发现了明显的模式。对398名(99.2%)学生进行了TST检查。对密切接触者进行重复(两步)TST检测。接触程度、原产国和以前的bacile Calmette-Guérin疫苗接种与TST反应显著相关。 Preventive directly observed therapy was completed by 157 (91.3%) students. During 5 yrs follow-up, no additional cases emerged. While investigating a tuberculosis outbreak, the definition of degree of contact is a significant predictor for detecting positive tuberculin test. Immigration from an endemic country, as well as previous bacille Calmette–Guérin vaccination have a major effect on tuberculin skin-test results. The directly observed therapy approach was found to be successful in preventing further morbidity.