ty -jour t1-哮喘的缓解:北欧的一项前瞻性纵向研究(莱茵研究)JF-欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -62 LP -62 LP -65 DO -10.1183/09031936.00121705,M.Au -Omenaas,E.Au -Gíslason,T.Au -Svanes,C.Au -Jögi,R.Au -Au -Norrman,E.Au -Janson,E.Au -Janson,C.Au -Torén,K.A2-,Y1-,Y1-2007/07/01 UR -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/30/1/62.abstract N2-本研究的目的是研究一般人群样本中成人哮喘的缓解率年龄,性别,性哮喘症状,过敏性鼻炎和吸烟。从1999年至2001年,对北欧欧洲群岛呼吸健康调查的随机人群样本进行了随访,对据报道哮喘的1,153个人(26-53岁)对1,153个人(26-53岁)进行了随访。缓解被定义为连续两年内没有哮喘症状,目前尚未使用哮喘药物。计算每1,000名人士的缓解率,并使用95%置信区间(CI)来估计COX回归模型(调整混杂因素)。发现平均缓解率为每1,000人的平均缓解率为20.2。性别没有显着差异。在女性和男性中,缓解率分别为21.7和17.8人。在观察期间戒烟的受试者中观察到缓解率提高。 Subjects not reporting any asthma symptom at baseline had an increased remission rate. In the Cox regression model, ex-smoking (HR 1.65, 95% CI 1.01–2.71) was associated with increased remission rate, and reporting any asthma symptom at baseline was associated with decreased remission rate (HR 0.7, 95% CI 0.40–0.90). In conclusion, the present prospective longitudinal study showed that quitting smoking and the presence of mild disease appeared to favour remission. ER -