PT-日记文章AU- Steinfort,D.P。Au -Johnson,D.F。Au -Irving,L.B。TI-支气管内超声引导后的菌血症的发病率 - 10.1183/09031936.00151809 DP -2010 JUL 01 TA-欧洲呼吸杂志PG -28---32 VI -28---32 VI -36 IP -1 4099 -HTTP:4099 -HTTP://////erjornals。com/content/36/1/28.Short 4100 - so -eur Respir j2010 Jul 01;36 AB-很少有数据关于与支撑超声引导的经支气管针吸入(EBUS-TBNA)相关的可能感染并发症。进行目前的预期评估是为了确定与EBUS-TBNA相关的菌血症和感染并发症的发生率。研究了接受EBUS-TBNA的连续患者评估纵隔​​或肺淋巴结病变。在TBNA的60 s内进行有氧和厌氧血液培养。还进行了TBNA针的无菌盐水洗涤。立即对血液培养的患者进行审查,所有患者在EBUS-TBNA 1周内均接受了临床检查。 A total of 43 patients underwent EBUS-TBNA, with bacteraemia demonstrated in three (7%). All bacterial isolates were typical oropharyngeal commensal organisms. The TBNA needle washing culture was positive in 15 (35%) patients. None of the three bacteraemic patients had clinical features suggestive of infection, and no complications were seen among the cohort. The incidence of bacteraemia following EBUS-TBNA is comparable to that following routine flexible bronchoscopy. Performance of TBNA does not appear to measurably increase the risk of bacteraemia over that associated with insertion of the bronchoscope into the airway. Contamination of the TBNA needle with oropharyngeal commensal bacteria is common; however, clinically significant infection following EBUS-TBNA appears rare.