@article {Van Schoor1303作者= {Van Schoor, Jand Joos, G and Pauwels, R}, title = {Tracheobronchomegaly--the Mounier-Kuhn syndrome: report of two cases and review of the literature}, volume = {4}, number = {10}, pages = {1303--1306}, year = {1991}, publisher = {European Respiratory Society}, abstract = {Tracheobronchomegaly (TBM) is a rare disorder of uncertain aetiology, characterized by marked dilatation of the trachea and main bronchi, bronchiectasis and recurrent lower respiratory tract infections. Two patients with TBM are presented. In one case, a marked decrease of elastic and smooth muscle tissue was present in the bronchial biopsy specimens, obtained by rigid bronchoscopy. The airways of the second patient were visualized using computed tomography. The dimensions of the airways of our patients are compared with the normal values supplied in the literature.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/4/10/1303}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/4/10/1303.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }