@Article {Bussieres290,作者= {Bussieres,S和Turcotte,h和boulet,lp},title = {hyperosmolarity诱导的气道响应能力的增加和晚期哮喘反应},卷,音量= {4}= {290--295},年= {1991},Publisher = {欧洲呼吸社会188bet官网地址},Abstract = {气道对吸入甲醛的反应能力在支气管挑战之前和之后,具有超声雾化的超染色过高的超摩尔盐(UND),这些变化是与后期哮喘反应的发展相关(LAR)。有16名轻度至中度哮喘的受试者之前有两个连续的甲基苯胺挑战,另一个是在累积的剂量挑战之后。这些受试者中的十二名还具有单剂量高渗透挑战,以记录LAR的发生,并确定UNHS是否具有显着的累积剂量作用。如果观察到LAR,则没有挑战的控制日完成了研究。在2个基线甲基胆碱挑战上,对甲基胆碱的反应性相似,挑衅性浓度在一秒钟(PC20)(平均+/- SEM)的强迫呼气量下降20 \%,为1.11 +/- 0.94和1.16 +/- 0.94 +/- 0.94mg.ml.1(R:0.98)。但是,在使用PC20(平均+/- SEM)0.57 +/- 1.00 mg.ml.1(P小于0.001)的PC20(平均+/- SEM)吸入UND后,它显着增加。在高渗挑战之后,两名受试者在一秒钟(FEV1)的强迫呼气量降低了,在19和46 \%。 In this last subject, the LAR, not reproduced on the control day, was associated with a marked post-UNHS change in PC20, going from a baseline of 4.4 to 0.7 mg.ml.1 after UNHS. The \% fall in FEV1 following the dose-response hyperosmolar challenge and the single-dose hyperosmolar challenge were not different, with mean values +/- SEM of 34.9 +/- 2.2 and 35.8 +/- 4.1, respectively, (p greater than 0.5). In conclusion, airway responsiveness to methacholine may increase following hyperosmolar saline inhalation, often unrelated to LAR.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/4/3/290}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/4/3/290.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }