TY - T1的喷雾、喷洒局部麻醉的比较fibreoptic支气管镜检查JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔欧元和J SP - 1123 LP - 1125 - 10.1183 / 09031936.93.05091123六世- 5 - 9盟D基恩AU - WT McNicholas Y1 - 1992/10/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/5/9/1123.abstract N2 -我们比较喷雾(N)和喷洒的效果(S)局部麻醉前fibreoptic支气管镜检查在盲法研究涉及54岁患者57 + / - 26岁(mean +/- SD). Cough frequency, recorded on cassette tape, was the index of efficacy. All patients received 100 mg lignocaine sprayed into the pharynx, or nebulized in random order prior to bronchoscopy, and all received intravenous diazepam sedation. Each patient received a further 100 mg of lignocaine solution through the bronchoscope onto the vocal cords and major airways during the procedure. No significant difference was found in overall cough frequency between N and S groups (8.7 +/- 6.9 coughs.min-1 N vs 10.5 +/- 6.0 S), and cough frequency was also similar between N and S during the periods above and below the vocal cords. Furthermore, no differences were found in cough frequency between N and S among smokers, patients with asthma and COPD, and patients who had a biopsy procedure, although a trend was seen in all comparisons towards a lower cough frequency with the nebulized route. Most patients in the S group found the spray unpleasant, whereas only one in the N group complained. We conclude that nebulized and sprayed lignocaine have similar efficacy as topical anaesthetics in fibreoptic bronchoscopy, but patient preference favours the nebulized route. ER -