RT期刊文章SR电子T1主要是美国国家航空航天局l origin of exhaled nitric oxide and absence in Kartagener's syndrome JF European Respiratory Journal JO Eur Respir J FD European Respiratory Society SP 1501 OP 1504 VO 7 IS 8 A1 Lundberg, JO A1 Weitzberg, E A1 Nordvall, SL A1 Kuylenstierna, R A1 Lundberg, JM A1 Alving, K YR 1994 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/7/8/1501.abstract AB The exact origin of nitric oxide (NO) in exhaled air is not known. We wanted to further investigate at what site exhaled NO is produced and to determine whether children with Kartagener's syndrome exhibited altered levels of exhaled NO. NO was measured by chemiluminescence technique in air sampled directly from the nose and in normally exhaled air of four children (2.5-13 years old) with Kartagener's syndrome, 20 healthy children, four healthy adults, and four conscious tracheostomized adults. NO was almost absent (98% reduced) in air sampled directly from the nose in four children with Kartagener's syndrome (4 +/- 1 parts per billion (ppb)), compared to age-matched controls (221 +/- 14 (ppb)). Tracheostomized adult subjects had considerably higher NO values in nasally (22 +/- 3 ppb) and orally (14 +/- 2 ppb) exhaled air, compared to levels in air exhaled through the tracheostomy (2 +/- 0 ppb). Treatment with intranasal corticosteroids for 14 days, or with antibiotics for 1 week, did not affect exhaled NO. These results clearly show that, basically, all NO in exhaled air of healthy subjects originates from the upper respiratory tract, with only a minor contribution from the lower airways. Furthermore, the absence of nasal NO in children with Kartagener's syndrome could be of use as a simple noninvasive diagnostic test.