ty -jour t1-呼吸道症状和气道反应能力,显然健康的工人暴露于面粉粉尘JF-欧洲呼吸杂志au-野生,p au -kolopp,Mn au -toamain,JP Y1-1994/06/01 Ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content.com/content/7/6/1070.abstract N2-我们的目标是衡量标准现代工业面包店中接触小麦粉灰尘的水平,并评估呼吸症状,对麦面粉抗原的敏感性和劳动力中气道反应性之间的关系。检查了44名面粉暴露的男性工人和164名未暴露的对照。使用个人采样器测量可鼓舞的灰尘浓度。通过问卷调查,通过缩写方法评估呼吸道症状,通过皮肤 - 刺测试对小麦粉抗原的敏感性(MAC)测试。如果在一秒钟内强制呼气量(FEV1)下降20%或更多,则将受试者标记为MAC+。线性剂量反应斜率(DRS)计算为FEV1的百分比下降,最终剂量除以给予的总剂量。在所有工作领域,除一个工作领域,灰尘浓度都在可接受的限制之内。在面粉暴露的工人中,具有一种或多种症状和气道高反应性的受试者比例明显高于对照组。 Using logistic or linear regression analysis, airway responsiveness was found to be strongly related to working at the bakery and to the baseline level of lung function. A positive skin-prick test was found in only 11% of flour-exposed workers and 6% of controls. In conclusion, our data show that despite exposure to relatively low concentration levels of inspirable flour dust, subjects working in the baking industry are at risk of developing both respiratory symptoms and airway hyperresponsiveness. ER -