ty -jour t1-适应其他语言和文化后,圣乔治呼吸问卷的有效性和可靠性:西班牙示例JF-欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -1160 LP -1166 LP -1166 VL -9 IS -6 AU - 6 AU-Ferrer,M Au -Au -Alonso,J au -Prieto,L au -plaza,v au -Monso,e au -au -au -au -au -au -au -auar,mc au -khalaf -au -au -anto -anto -jm y1-1996/06/01/01/01/01/01/01/01ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/6/1160.Abstract N2-我们描述了对圣乔治呼吸问卷(SGRQ)的西班牙语的适应,这是Jones等人开发的自助服务的问卷。(1991)涵盖气道疾病患者的三个健康领域:症状,活动和影响。为了适应,使用了双语者的前进和反向翻译方法,并与专业委员会和外行小组一起使用。一旦测试了可行性和理解力,318个男性慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者具有广泛的疾病严重程度,完成了西班牙语版本的SGRQ。同时评估患者的临床状况与健康状况的测量。在问卷给药之前的两个月或之后,评估了肺功能。西班牙语的SGRQ是可以接受的,易于理解的。Cronbach的Alpha可靠性系数为总比例为0.94,“症状”为0.72,“活动”为0.89,“撞击”子量表为0.89。 Correlation coefficients between the overall score and dyspnoea and % forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) were 0.59 and -0.45, respectively, and these correlations were higher than those observed between the clinical variables and the Nottingham Health Profile, a generic measure of health-related quality of life. Results of the study suggest that the Spanish version of the SGRQ is conceptually equivalent to the original, and similarly reliable and valid. Although further studies should complete the adaptation work, results suggest that the SGRQ may already be used in Spain and in international studies involving Spanish respiratory patients. According to the present approach, it appears to be feasible to adapt a specific questionnaire on health-related quality of life in respiratory disease to another language and culture. ER -