Tiotropium改善慢性阻塞性肺病患者的步行耐力AU - Brouillard, C. AU - Pepin, V. AU - Provencher, S. AU - Milot, J. AU - Lacasse, Y. AU - Leblanc, P. AU - Maltais,F. Y1 - 2012/02/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/39/2/265.abstract N2 -本研究的主要目的是评估噻托溴铵治疗3周对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者行走能力的影响。在熟悉研究程序后,在一项双盲平行组研究中,36例患者随机接受18 μg噻托溴铵每日1次或匹配的安慰剂。测定给药前(谷期)和给药后2小时的肺功能。然后完成了一次耐力穿梭机行走。治疗3周后重复上述步骤。在运动过程中监测呼吸参数。3周时,噻托溴铵与安慰剂相比显著改善步行耐力时间,组间平均±sd差值为128±141 s (p=0.017)。3周时,噻托溴铵与安慰剂相比,1秒内用力呼气量(FEV1)和用力肺活量(FVC)的低谷值显著改善。 The post-dose response to tiotropium was statistically superior to placebo after the first dose and after 3 weeks of treatment for FEV1, FVC and inspiratory capacity. Ventilation and tidal volume at the end of walking were significantly improved with tiotropium. 3 weeks of tiotropium resulted in a greater walking endurance in patients with COPD. Improvements in FEV1, maximal ventilation and tidal volume may contribute to this enhanced exercise capacity. ER -