@ARTICLE {MIGLIORI807,作者= {MIGLIORI,G.B.和Zellweger,J.P.和Abubakar,I.和Ibraim,E.和Caminero,J.A.和de Vries,G.和D {\ Text {\ TextQuoteright} Ambrosio,L.和Centis,R.和Sotgiu,G.和Menegale,O.和Kliiman,K。和Aksamit,T.和Cirillo,D.M.和Danilovits,M。和Dara,M.和Dheda,K。和Dinh-Xuan,A.T.和Kluge,H.和Lange,C.和莱尼纳,V.和Loddenkemper,R.和Nicod,L.P.和Raviglione,M.C。和Spanevello,A.和Thomsen,v。{\ o}。和Villar,M.和Wanlin,M.和Wedzicha,J.A.和Zumla,A.和Blasi,F.和Huitric,E.和Sandgren,A.和Manissero,D.},标题= {欧盟结核病护理标准},体积= {39},数字= {4},Pages = {807--819},年= {2012},DOI = {10.1183 / 09031936.00203811},出版商= {欧洲呼吸社会},摘要= 188bet官网地址{欧洲疾病预防和控制中心(ECDC)和欧洲呼吸协会(ERS)共同开发了欧洲联盟的结核病护理标准(estc),旨在提供欧盟(欧盟) - 诊断,治疗和预防结核病(TB)的标准。制定了TB Care(ISTC)的国际标准 the global context and are not always adapted to the EU setting and practices. The majority of EU countries have the resources and capacity to implement higher standards to further secure quality TB diagnosis, treatment and prevention. On this basis, the ESTC were developed as standards specifically tailored to the EU setting.A panel of 30 international experts, led by a writing group and the ERS and ECDC, identified and developed the 21 ESTC in the areas of diagnosis, treatment, HIV and comorbid conditions, and public health and prevention. The ISTCs formed the basis for the 21 standards, upon which additional EU adaptations and supplements were developed.These patient-centred standards are targeted to clinicians and public health workers, providing an easy-to-use resource, guiding through all required activities to ensure optimal diagnosis, treatment and prevention of TB. These will support EU health programmes to identify and develop optimal procedures for TB care, control and elimination.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/39/4/807}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/39/4/807.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }