ty -jour t1-肺功能,种族和种族:一个难题JF-欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -1249 LP -1249 LP -1251 DO -10.1183/09031936.00053913 VL -412013/06/01 ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/41/6/1249.Abstract N2-在本期中,Braun等人。[1]向国际研讨会辩护,以审查与肺功能有关的种族和种族方面。这是一项及时的倡议,因为许多人在流行病学和遗传研究中以及在临床实践中挣扎,对测试的解释导致了越来越多种族的社会[2]。我们的种族概念源自布伦巴赫,他定义了“人类的四种品种,一种物种”(1781年增加了第五种)[3]。“种族”和“种族”的定义令人困惑,并且经常互换使用。这种歧义反映在经常使用种族/种族的情况下,这是一种用于使用的过渡概念,同时从美国人口普查中逐步淘汰“种族” [4]。在这个阶段,美国人口普查认可了两个种族:“西班牙裔或拉丁裔”,“不是西班牙裔或拉丁裔”,以及五场比赛;西班牙裔/拉丁裔人的欧洲,非洲和美国原住民血统混合了[5]。在2000年,美国公民被允许自我识别:2.4%的自我识别为多种族。 In sharp contrast, France passed a law in 1978 barring the government from collecting all racial and ethnic data (the Act prohibits collecting “any information that shows, directly or indirectly, racial or ethnic origins, political, philosophical or religious opinions, trade union membership, moral principles, or information that relates to health or sexual life” without either the written consent of the individual or an advance recommendation of the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties, which must first be approved by the Conseil d’État) [6]. The collection of data on race and ethnicity by governments serves administrative and statistical purposes; the classifications should not be interpreted as being scientific or anthropological in nature. However, this caveat is not heeded, and the classifications are … ER -